2023 Liquid Fuels Distributions List Released

2023 Liquid Fuels Distributions List Released

The state Department of Transportation has released the 2023 municipal liquid fuels allocations report, which is available here. This year’s total allocation is $470.2 million, up 3.1% from the 2022 distribution of $455.885 million.

AUDIT NOTE: As the state Office of Comptroller Operations is moving away from paper checks, some townships that did not have a direct deposit set up for their state fund may find that their 2023 Liquid Fuels deposit was made into a different account that the township had on file with the commonwealth. PSATS has asked PennDOT to make sure that the Auditor General’s office is aware of this and ensure that it does not result in a negative audit finding for any townships that may have received their funds in a different account. 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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