2023 Pennsylvania County Total Population Estimates Released

2023 Pennsylvania County Total Population Estimates Released

The U.S. Census Bureau released estimates of Pennsylvania’s total population as of July 1, 2023, at the county level, which include county totals as well as births, deaths, and migration. The Pennsylvania Data Center released a brief with a map (below) highlighting the changes in total county population from the April 1, 2020, estimates to the July 1, 2023, estimates.
2023 Pennsylvania County Total Population Estimates Released
Key highlights include:Pennsylvania experienced a decline of 41,000 between 2020 and 2023.Twenty-three counties grew in population while forty-four declined.Pike County (+4.6%) and Cumberland County (+4.3%) were the fastest growing county since 2020.Forest County had the greatest percentage loss from 2020 to 2023 (-7.5%).Philadelphia (-53,251) and Allegheny (-25,711) counties saw largest total losses. Click here to read more in the Data Center’s report.

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