Why Become a Township Planning Member
As a planning official, wouldn’t you like to:
- Stay on top of planning issues?
- Have greater access to potential municipal clients?
- Network with your peers?
- Attend training sessions designed specifically for you?
Full-membership – $125
Benefits include:
- FREE subscription to the Pennsylvania Township News, PSATS’ award-winning monthly magazine
- DISCOUNTED member rates on continuing education classes aimed directly at planning officials (spring/fall seminars and more) and other educational opportunities, such as weekly webinars
- FREE subscriptions to Township Planner, a monthly electronic newsletter that highlights news of significance to township planning personnel and upcoming educational opportunities, and the PSATS News Bulletin, a monthly newsletter addressing legislative issues affecting municipal government
- ONLINE ACCESS to our planner discussion group and sample ordinances and resolutions and more in the “Members Only” section of the PSATS’ website, psats.org
Partial-membership – $50*
Benefits include:
- FREE subscriptions to The Township Planner, a monthly electronic newsletter that highlights news of significance to township planning personnel and upcoming educational opportunities
- DISCOUNTED member rates on continuing education classes aimed directly at planning officials (spring/fall seminars and more) and other educational opportunities, such as weekly webinars
(*Each township must have at least one full membership before additional members may join at the full or partial membership level.)
Contact Member Services at memberservices@psats.org or (717) 763-0930.