Don’t Miss the April 2024 Digital Township News!

The April 2024 digital edition of the Township News is available now! The April issue features insight from various boards, commissions, committees, and other staff and volunteer positions that help townships provide the services that residents need and want.

The issue also includes articles that explain how townships are using environmental advisory councils to help them plan their community’s future; take a deeper dive into PSATS’ newest publication, Beyond the Code: The Essential Guide for Township Officials; profile the nominees for the Association’s Executive Board and Committee, who will be up for election at the upcoming Annual Conference; and announce the categorical winners of PSATS’ Citizen Communication Contest. A guest column from state Secretary of Community and Economic Development Rick Siger lays out the state’s new economic development strategy. 

Subscribers to the News can access the APEX Award-winning digital edition (and its exclusive video content) by logging into and clicking on “Digital Publications” under “My PSATS.” Not yet a subscriber? Check out this month’s free article and learn how to subscribe to the News.
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