Don’t Miss the October 2024 Digital Township News!

The October 2024 digital edition of the Township News is available now! In this issue’s cover story, learn about how the recent increase in payments in lieu of taxes for state-owned lands falls far short of townships’ needs. Additional articles discuss protecting townships from cyber threats through education and insurance; using green infrastructure to achieve environmental and MS4 goals; tallying the township-friendly wins and remaining areas of concern in the state budget; and pushing for brine use on roads to control dust and perform winter maintenance.
 The issue also includes a profile of new Executive Board member Jeffrey Shaffer, plus all the regular columns you look for each month. Subscribers to the News can access the APEX Award-winning digital edition (and its exclusive video content) by logging into and clicking on “Digital Publications” under “MY PSATS.” Not yet a subscriber? Check out this month’s free article and learn how to subscribe to the NewsRemember, purchase a 2025 subscription now to get the remaining 2024 issues free!
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