Be Recognized for Road and Bridge Safety, Innovations! Applications Due Tomorrow 

Be Recognized for Road and Bridge Safety, Innovations! Applications Due Tomorrow 

Did your township complete an outstanding road and bridge safety improvements or public works innovation in 2024? If so, get recognized for your efforts! Entry forms are due tomorrow, March 7, 2025 for both programs: 

  • PSATS Road and Bridge Safety Improvement Awards: Has your township increased public safety through a road or bridge improvement? Enter today to receive recognition for a job well done! Judging will look at how the project improved safety, how the funding was put together and allocated, how the project benefited the community, if it fit into your township’s comprehensive plan, and how the township worked with other entities to complete the project today. Click here for more information and here for an entry form and brochure. Questions? Contact Hanna Martin at (717) 763-0930 ext 129 or email
  • Build a Better Mousetrap Competition: Has your municipality recently built an innovative gadget or come up with a better way to do a job? If so, participate in the 2025 Build a Better Mousetrap Innovation Challenge! LTAP is looking for innovations from township employees from the development of tools and equipment to modifications to processes that increase safety, reduce costs, or improve efficiency or the quality of transportation. To enter the challenge, complete the entry form by tomorrow. Questions? Contact Karen Atkinson at (717) 763-0930, ext.156, or by email at  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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