The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS), a non-profit, nonpartisan member service organization, provides a unified voice for the 1,453 townships of the 2nd Class.
Since 1921, PSATS represents township supervisors, as well as township managers, secretaries, treasurers and other local officials. PSATS’ members range in population from less than 100 to over 60,000 residents.
PSATS has approximately 14,000 individual members and associate PSATS members. Associate members include townships of the 1st Class, boroughs, cities and counties.
PSATS operates under the direction of a 13-member executive board elected by member townships. In addition, nine standing committees composed of township officials oversee specific aspects of Association operations.
• Advocacy, Legislative Research and Analysis, and Policy Development — PSATS works with state and federal lawmakers to address issues that matter most to townships, analyzes legislation, and develops policy to advance the Association’s objectives. The Association also has a Grassroots Advocacy Network, an organized statewide group of local leaders who are on a mission to unify and amplify the township message. Also, PSATS keeps township officials informed about new laws and bills through a daily e-newsletter (Morning News), a monthly newsletter, the monthly Pennsylvania Township News magazine, this website, and regular postings on Facebook and Twitter.
• Education & Learning — PSATS offers and administers a full range of educational programs for elected and appointed public officials. Topics range from transportation, financial management, and land use management to personnel issues, open records, and ethics.
• Communications — PSATS is an information clearinghouse for its members and provides them with a full range of newsletters, brochures, and other publications, including the award-winning monthly magazine, the Pennsylvania Township News. The Township Video News offers a weekly rundown of up-to-the-minute issues that affect townships and their residents as well as important questions of the week.
• Insurance — PSATS offers an array of insurance programs to meet the needs of townships and their employees, including medical, dental, life, disability, workers’ compensation, and unemployment compensation. property and casualty insurance. It also offers various pension and retirement savings plans.
• Professional Associations — PSATS manages five professional associations, the Township Solicitors Association, the Township Engineers Association, the Township Planning Association, the Pennsylvania Association of Zoning Officials, and the Township Emergency Management Association, which offer specialized services for the consultants and volunteers who help township officials meet their growing responsibilities.
CLICK HERE for a handy one-page fact sheet that describes PSATS and its mission.