Broadband Authority Accepting Input on New Grant Program 

Broadband Authority Accepting Input on New Grant Program 

The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority will soon release grant program guidelines and open its application period for a $200 million Pennsylvania Broadband Infrastructure Program, a competitive grant program that is funded through the American Rescue Plan Act’s Capital Projects Fund. The program will target locations that do not currently have access to 25/3 Mbps reliable internet service. Eligible applicants include local governments, non-profits, cooperatives, and private entities. The program will fund extensions of existing last-mile cable modem and fiber-to-the-premises broadband networks, as well as large-scale regional projects that can transform broadband availability by serving large numbers of eligible addresses. 

As the Authority finalizes program guidelines, it is requesting feedback on several items where U.S. Treasury has provided flexibility: match requirements, maximum award amount, definition of affordability, and the challenge period. The public comment period for the Pennsylvania Broadband Infrastructure Program is now open. Organizations and individuals are encouraged to provide feedback to help inform the creation of the guidelines by Thursday, February 23. Click here for the press release. 

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