Broadband Authority Soliciting Township Input on Broadband Applications 

Broadband Authority Soliciting Township Input on Broadband Applications 

The first round of applications for federal broadband funds have been submitted to the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority. The Authority is giving local governments the opportunity to provide input on applications for projects affecting their community or challenge projects that would duplicate existing approved projects or current broadband infrastructure. The Authority plans to open the input process next week on the grant submissions. 

Townships are encouraged to appoint one point of contact for their township and notify the Authority of this individual’s contact information by August 22 for the earliest access to the input and challenge process. Please email Kalie Snyder, PBDA Outreach Manager, at Please put Local Government POC in the subject and note the individual’s name (who can be a township official or consultant), their contact information, including email, and the name of the township and county. Township officials will be given the opportunity to provide input through a secure, password-protected link. 

PSATS will provide more details on the input process soon. Participation is optional. Townships may provide subjective input on a project based on their experience or that of their residents. To avoid duplication, townships will also have the opportunity to provide an objective challenge to a proposed project where high-speed broadband service is already available or an approved project is or will be underway. It is recommended that townships that choose to participate in this process provide either input or a challenge for projects in their jurisdiction. Townships will have until October 6 to review and provide feedback. 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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