Bylaws Change Would Allow Remote Conduct of Business

Bylaws Change Would Allow Remote Conduct of Business

PSATS needs your help to vote on important bylaws changes at the October Annual Business Meeting that would allow Association business to be conducted remotely if in-person meetings are not feasible. Under the current bylaws, an in-person vote is needed to amend the bylaws to authorize the Association and its standing committees to use more flexible options in situations where warranted. 

This is one of several important bylaws changes unanimously approved by the PSATS Rules Committee in November 2020 that will be discussed and voted on at PSATS’ Annual Business meeting on October 15. Other changes would create consistency within the bylaws, revise the terms for standing committee members and the process for appointing them, and authorize township treasurers to serve on the PSATS Executive Committee. A meeting packet will be mailed to each member township and county association this week. 

Join us for the Annual Business Meeting in Hershey on October 15 and help debate and vote on important bylaws changes, as well as set PSATS’ policy positions by voting on resolutions, and approving PSATS leadership. Each member township is entitled to one voting delegate who is authorized to vote on your township’s behalf at the Business Meeting. Be sure to register at voting2021.psats.orgCounty Associations are also eligible to designate voting delegates. 

And don’t miss PSATS’ Centennial Celebration Dinner on October 14, also scheduled for the Hershey Lodge. Learn more about the Centennial Celebration and register at See you in Hershey! 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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