Call in Tonight and Stake Your Claim to Local Funding Support

Call in Tonight and Stake Your Claim to Local Funding Support

PSATS is urging township officials to participate in a Public Forum to be held by the state Department of Transportation from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. this evening. The forum will feature Secretary of Transportation Yassmin Gramian, P.E., who will be answering questions and collecting feedback on the Department’s long-term planning efforts, including its 12-Year Program, Long-Range Transportation Plan, and the Freight Movement Plan. These plans help PennDOT develop its funding and project priorities for the future.   

Township officials should stress the importance of the partnership between local and state government in delivering our transportation system, including roads and bridges, to our mutual constituents. Local officials efficiently maintain their portion of the system with significantly less funding than the state.    

To register for this free event, click here. Note that registration is desired, but not required.  Click here to livestream the forum. Questions may be submitted during the Q&A session or in advance by registering or emailing To learn more about the plans, click here.   

 Township officials are also encouraged to take a few minutes to complete a survey by clicking hereand telling PennDOT which priorities are important to you. Responses are due April 14.   

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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Mon - Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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