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Don’t miss out on the 2025 PSATS Educational Conference and Exhibit Show, happening May 4-7 at the Hershey Lodge!

Center for Public Policy. Dave tells them the Conference is the premier event for township and municipal officials in Pennsylvania, offering unparalleled educational opportunities. Plus, it features the largest municipal exhibit show in the state. Click here to watch. Register now or…

Reminder: DCNR Grants for Parks & Recreation Due 4/2

The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is accepting applications for Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2) grants for projects related to parks, recreation, and conservation until April 2. These grants include:     • Planning, acquisition, and development of public parks;    • Recreation areas;    •…

New Round of Publicly Accessible Laptops Opening April 1; Webinars Available 3/25, 4/2  

Last year, the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) distributed over 9,000 laptops to 117 applicants, including colleges, schools, libraries and other institutions, across 42 counties through the Digital Connectivity Technology Program. A second round of the program will begin April 1,…

PSATS Urges DEP to Revise Draft MS4 Permit, Credit Progress; Comments Due Today 

 PSATS submitted comments to DEP regarding the draft NPDES MS4 General Permit (PAG-13), expressing concerns over crediting of municipal success in reducing sediment and pollutants under the current permit, particularly those that individually or collaboratively exceeded their current permit goals….

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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