The U.S. Federal Reserve once again increased its short-term interest rate, its ninth in the last year. This time the increase is by a quarter of a percentage point and officials indicated that increases are nearly at an end as…

The U.S. Federal Reserve once again increased its short-term interest rate, its ninth in the last year. This time the increase is by a quarter of a percentage point and officials indicated that increases are nearly at an end as…
PSATS will be producing the 2023 membership cards for supervisors, secretaries and managers in townships that have renewed their annual dues. If you would like your membership card to also double as a photo ID card, this can happen in…
Watch your email over the next 24 hours for an invitation to register for next week’s virtual town hall meeting for your respective population group. These are quarterly opportunities for everyone to share input to your Population Standing Committee as…
Are you a first-time attendee of the PSATS Annual Conference who is wondering what to expect? Has it been a while since you attended our conference? Are you a repeat attendee but would like to know what’s in store for…
The Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) is accepting grant applications for its Multimodal Transportation Fund. Townships are eligible to apply through DCED’s online single application for assistance until July 31, 2023. Please note this opportunity is separate from PennDOT’s Multimodal Program. …
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulation to protect public health from PFAS pollution. Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are human-made chemicals that do not occur naturally in the environment and can cause adverse developmental…
The state Department of Health (DOH) and Pennsylvania Downtown Center announced a funding opportunity under the WalkWorks Initiative. Funds will be available to assist with plan development to identify and prioritize active transportation projects with an emphasis on walking, biking,…
The Commonwealth Financing Authority awarded $56 million in grants for 155 Multimodal Transportation Fund projects in 45 counties. Dozens of townships received awards, including Barnett Township, Forest County, for a culvert replacement; Croyle Township, Cambria County, for resurfacing projects; and…
Over the last two weeks, PSATS sent member townships and county associations the materials for the April 25 business session at the 2023 PSATS Annual Conference. Please be sure to share these materials with your township’s or county association’s voting…
The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is accepting applications for the 2023 round of Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grants. Townships are eligible to apply, and all applications are due by April 5, 2023, through DCNR’s Grants portal. Community Conservation…
When elected or appointed, township officials automatically become PSATS members through their township's membership. If you're an elected or appointed township official in Pennsylvania and are unsure about your entity’s membership status with PSATS, your board secretary or manager can provide the necessary details.
PSATS offers its members exclusive access to training, resources, and events via the member portal at If you have any questions about or your membership that aren't covered on our FAQ page, please submit a message, and we'll be happy to follow up with you.
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