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Act 13 Grants Awarded 

Gov. Tom Wolf has announced the award of $10.4 million in Act 13 money for 100 new environmental and infrastructure projects in 38 counties through the Commonwealth Financing Authority. Member townships received more than a dozen of these grant awards. Click here for more.   

PUC Approves $2 Million Settlement for 2018 Pipeline Failure in Beaver County

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has approved a settlement related to a 2018 pipeline failure and fire in Beaver County involving the “Revolution Pipeline,” resulting in nearly $2 million in civil penalties and additional preventative measures required by the pipeline operator. Click here for more.  

Pa. COVID-19 Cases Decline While Hospitalizations Rise

After two weeks of increasing cases, 41,321 new cases of COVID-19 were reported last week, a 19% decrease compared to the prior week. The statewide COVID-19 total case count now stands at 1,686,169. The commonwealth remains at 20th in cases per 100,000 nationally, with Michigan, Minnesota, and New Mexico now in the top three.   The number…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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