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Want to Know Your Township’s 2020 Census Population? The 2020 Census Results by Township are now Available!

The long awaited 2020 Census population results were recently released with Pennsylvania having a final population of count of 13,002,700 people, a 2.4 percent increase from 2010 and is now ranked as the 5th largest state in the country. Of…

Reminder: Make Sure Harrisburg Doesn’t Consider Merging Local Governments!  

Township officials are reminded that the Center for Rural Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Local Government Commission, both legislative agencies of the state General Assembly, are conducting a short demographic survey of elected local officials. This is a great place to define the value of local government! Survey responses are due…

FEMA Offers Hazard Mitigation Grants

Funding notices are now available for the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grants, which provide funds to states for eligible hazard mitigation activities. Municipalities may apply through their state hazard mitigation officer. Applications will be…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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