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PUC Issues Cybersecurity Advisory

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) has issued a cybersecurity advisory to public utilities across Pennsylvania highlighting cybersecurity best practices. All townships may use these federal resources to help decrease their risk for cyberattacks by ransomware and know what to…

PA Unemployment Rate Up Again and Continues Above National Average     

Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate for April increased slightly, from 7.3% to 7.4%. The U.S. rate also increased slightly in April, from 6.0% to 6.1%. Nationally, Hawaii, at 8.5%, had the highest unemployment rate in April, followed by California, New Mexico, and New York.  In Pennsylvania,…

Municipal Recycling Grants Available

The state Department of Environmental Protection is accepting applications for Municipal Recycling Program Development and Implementation Grants (Section 902 Grants) until September 24, 2021.  Eligible recycling program development and implementation costs are eligible for 90% funding.   Municipalities that did not receive a…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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