Pennsylvania’s Move Over Law requires drivers approaching an emergency response area to either move over or, if they are unable to safely merge into a lane that is further away from the response area, to slow to at least 20…

Pennsylvania’s Move Over Law requires drivers approaching an emergency response area to either move over or, if they are unable to safely merge into a lane that is further away from the response area, to slow to at least 20…
The U.S. Census Bureau announced yesterday that the 2020 Census shows the resident population of the United States on April 1, 2020 was 331,449,281. The U.S. resident population represents the total number of people living in the 50 states and…
The Pennsylvania Office of Open Records will be reviewing how agencies post Right-to-Know Law (RTKL) information on their websites. The OOR will publish a report highlighting best practices for using websites to make it easier for residents and businesses to…
The 2021 National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) will be held April 26-30, and the theme is “Drive Save. Work Safe. Save Lives”. This year, the Michigan Department of Transportation will be hosting the NWZAW kick-off press event on Tuesday, April…
Yesterday, Governor Wolf signed House Bill 766 into law, which will amend the Tax Reform Code of 1971 to extend the due date of Pennsylvania corporate tax returns and allow the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to coordinate…
Yesterday, the Commonwealth Financing Authority and the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority announced grant and loan awards. Many townships are among the recipients. Congratulations! The Commonwealth Financing Authority approved $48 million in funding for 116 new projects in 45 counties from…
Starting today, the Commonwealth Financing Authority is accepting grant applications for its Multimodal Transportation Fund until July 31. Note this is different than the Multimodal Transportation Fund through the state Department of Transportation. The CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants…
The state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) is accepting applications for Act 13 programs until May 31, 2021. There are several grant programs listed below that funded from impact fees from natural gas wells under Act 13 of 2012: Abandoned Mine Drainage (AMD) Abatement & Treatment Program: Townships may…
Despite stay-at-home orders and a dramatic drop in traffic due to the pandemic, Pennsylvania road fatalities surged 6% in 2020, PennDOT announced Tuesday. Last year, 1,129 people died in crashes across Pennsylvania, a jump from the 1,059 people who died…
April 26 through May 31, PSATS will host more than 60 of the 2021 Conference workshops through its virtual classroom. Learn from experts from across the commonwealth on a wide variety of township administration, public safety, public works, and planning…
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