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PSATS Submits Comments on PennDOT Pathways

PSATS has submitted comments to the state Department of Transportation about its PennDOT Pathways Program, which outlines ideas for filling the $8.1 billion annual highway and bridge transportation funding gap. To view the interactive PennDOT Pathways website and funding options, click here.    PSATS raised concerns that the program…

IFO: Refinancing Up, Business Travel Down, PA Impact Fee Could Drop to Record Low

The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) has released its Monthly Economic Update for December 2020. Articles include these headlines: refinancing activity breaks records, business travel could permanently decline, and Pennsylvania renters will owe $224 million by December 31.     In addition, the Independent Fiscal…

Reminder: Comments for PennDOT about Tolls, Taxes and Other Future Funding Options Due December 17  

The state Department of Transportation has requested public feedback on its PennDOT Pathways Program, which outlines ideas for filling the $8.1 billion annual highway and bridge transportation funding gap. To view the interactive PennDOT Pathways website and funding options, click here.  The department is requesting…

L&I Announces 2021 Bid Limits

The state Department of Labor and Industry has announced the annually adjusted bid limits for townships based on the change in the Consumer Price Index. Beginning January 1, 2021, the minimum purchase amount that requires advertisement for sealed bids will…

Chesapeake Bay Watershed Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grants Program

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Chesapeake Bay Program, is soliciting Letters of Interest for the 2021 Chesapeake Bay Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction (INSR) Grants program. NFWF estimates awarding $7-10 million in…

Commonwealth Preserves Farmland

The state Department of Agriculture announced the preservation of 2,710 acres on 32 farms in 17 counties through the state’s nation-leading Farmland Preservation Program. In 2020, the state board, in collaboration with county boards, preserved 177 farms and 14,727 acres…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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