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October 2020 CPI Released

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released the October 2020 Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers, which was unchanged in October. Over the last 12 months, the index increased 1.2 percent. The bureau also released the CPI-U…

PUC Damage Prevention Committee Releases Agenda for Tuesday’s Meeting  

The agenda for the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s Damage Prevention Committee is available for its November 10 meeting, which will be held virtually. The committee reviews alleged violations of the Pennsylvania One Call Law and determines the appropriate response, including warning letters, mandatory training, or fines.    Click here to view the…

We Have a President…Marvin Meteer of Wyalusing Township!

After October 30 postmarked ballots were counted, Marvin Meteer has been elected as PSATS’ new President.  Also, Andrew Boni is now First Vice President, Jay Wilkes is Second Vice President, Steve Hess is Secretary-Treasurer and Chuck Stowe is Assistant Secretary-Treasurer.  Further, Howard Fry was elected to a second term on the Executive Board, and MaryJo Campbell and Sam Cressler…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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