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PUC Declares DAS Owners as Public Utilities, Requires Them to Register

In accordance with a recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) has declared distributed antenna system (DAS) network owners as telecommunication public utilities. The notice requires all DAS owners and operators not currently operating under the jurisdiction of the PUC to apply…

Township Supervisors Receive 2020 Governor’s Awards for Local Government Excellence

Yesterday (October  26, 2020), the state Department of Community and Economic Development recognized municipalities and local government officials for their dedication and commitment to strengthen their communities and better serve their residents.    The following township supervisors were recognized: Michael E. Keller,…

MPOETC Publishes Overhaul of Municipal Police Training Regulations

The Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission published a proposed comprehensive rewrite of the regulations for the Municipal Police Officer Education Act in the October 17, 2020 issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. This extensive rewrite is intended to replace the existing regulations.   Comments on the proposal…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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