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Independent Fiscal Office, Revenue Release August Revenue

The Independent Fiscal Office and state Department of Revenue have released August revenue reports. For the month of August, state General Fund collections totaled $2.5 billion and were $247.7 million (10.8 percent) higher than anticipated. The increase was largely due to the sales and use tax and personal income tax.  Personal income tax collections for August were $876.1…

Water and Sewer Funding Awards Announced

The Commonwealth Financing Authority has approved more than $8 million in additional funding to support H20 PA Flood Control projects, high-hazard dams, and water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater projects. Many of these awards were to townships or the authorities that serve them.   To learn more about these grant…

PennDOT Now Collecting 2019 Data for FHWA Form 536

The Federal Highway Administration requires each state to annually collect local government revenues and expenses for transportation, including roads and bridges. This includes all funding sources used for transportation expenses, not just liquid fuels funds. Pennsylvania also uses the data to see state trends and identify local highway needs and…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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