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New ARP Spending Option  

While many had hoped to use ARP money to move forward and fund needed projects, or even future expansion efforts, some communities are now rethinking their options to consider using the funds to cover the extraordinary price hikes, delivery delays…

NATaT Adopts 2022 Platform 

Yesterday, the Board of Directors of the National Association of Towns and Townships (NATaT) adopted the 2022 platform for Congressional and other Federal issues including policies by Executive agencies and orders. Each PSATS member township is also a member of…

Power of One Opportunity

PSATS is looking for volunteers for Wednesday, April 13 starting at 9am. Volunteers would be helping to stuff welcome totes for the PSATS Conference. If you or anyone in your township would like to volunteer, please contact Casey Eisenhart at…

Reminder: DCNR Grant Funding Available for ATV, Snowmobile Trails  

The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Bureau of Recreation and Conservation is accepting grant applications for projects proposing land acquisition, planning, development, rehabilitation, maintenance, equipment purchase, or educational programs for ATV or snowmobile trails and facilities. Applications are…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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