Rolling in Money!

According to the PA Department of Revenue, The Commonwealth collected $4 Billion in tax revenues for September 2021. Revenue collections were 14%, or 496 million over projections. This brings the fiscal year to date budget surplus for the 3-month period…

Register Your Voting Delegates Today

There is still time to register your voting delegate for Friday’s PSATS Business meeting. Townships and County Associations are entitled to vote. There are 2 years’ worth of resolutions to address as well as other important business including bylaws updates and election of Executive Board members. Go to

Redevelopment Assistance Available

The Governor’s Office of the Budget is extending the window for new applications for the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program. This window will open on Monday, October 18, and close on Monday, November 1. This opportunity is only for new projects. If you submitted an…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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