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White House Releases State Fact Sheets Highlighting Impact of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The White House has released state fact sheets that highlight the nationwide impact of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the largest long-term investment in the nation’s infrastructure and competitiveness in nearly a century.  The fact sheets highlight how the historic legislation will deliver…

Grant Funding Available for ATV or Snowmobile Projects and Programs

The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Bureau of Recreation and Conservation has announced the All-Terrain Vehicle and Snowmobile Program’s fall grant round. Grant money is awarded for projects proposing land acquisition, planning, development, rehabilitation, maintenance, equipment purchases, and educational programs for…

It’s Salary Survey Time!

Make Sure Your Township Has the Earliest Access to Salary Survey Results. Be sure your designated township staff (PSATS Salary Survey Plus processor) enters your township’s wage and benefit data by August 18 to ensure the earliest access to all PSATS Salary Survey Plus…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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