PUC Damage Prevention Committee Releases Agenda for Upcoming Meeting    

The agenda for the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s Damage Prevention Committee is available for its May 11 meeting, which will be held virtually. The committee reviews alleged violations of the Pennsylvania One Call Law and determines the appropriate response, including warning letters, mandatory training, or fines. To learn more, click…

DCED Announces Grant Awards

The state Department of Community and Economic Development has announced the approval of 33 projects through the Municipal Assistance Program to help local governments with floodplain management and comprehensive plans. Several townships were among the awardees. To learn more, click…

Reminder: Applications Due May 14 for Complete Streets Grants

WalkWorks is accepting grant applications until May 14 to help municipalities develop active transportation plans, Complete Streets policies and/or Vision Zero policies. These plans and policies establish activity-friendly routes that connect people to everyday destinations and opportunities for physical activity. Active transportation includes walking, wheeling or biking, and public…

PennDOT Releases Updated Transportation Funding Study for Public Input  

The state Department of Transportation is exploring sustainable transportation funding options and has released a revised version of its PennDOT Pathways Program, which contains ideas for filling the $8.1 billion annual highway and bridge transportation funding gap. The revised document provides additional…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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