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PennDOT Invites Private Sector to Submit Qualifications on P3 Bridge Tolling Candidates 

The state Department of Transportation is inviting the private sector to submit their qualifications to compete for the opportunity to enter into a public-private partnership to administer its Major Bridge Public-Private Partnership (P3) Initiative. The initiative would fund the reconstruction or…

Breathe Easier!

While the heat is stifling, there is cause for breathing easier today.  The U.S. Treasury granted a 30-day extension to the Commonwealth of PA for ARP distributions. While there is now additional time to complete your application, it is still…

Pennsylvania Mask Mandate Gone

Effective at 12:01 am today, Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam lifted the statewide mask mandate. Beam continues to encourage Pennsylvanians to follow Centers for Disease Control guidance for wearing a maskwhere required by local business and workplace guidance. The…

Harrisburg State Budget News

Before this publication appears on Monday, we will learn that the legislature has proposed a budget of under $40 Billion dollars for the Commonwealth for next year.  Given the current budget surplus combined with the influx of federal stimulus funding,…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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