Commonwealth Court: Local Agencies Prohibited from Adding Non-Emergency/Non-De Minimis Items to Agendas During Meetings  

Last week, in Coleman v. Parkland School District, ___ A.3d ___, 2023 WL 7171857 (Pa.Cmwlth. Nov. 8, 2023), a divided panel with a 2-1 vote of the nine-member Commonwealth Court ruled that local agencies may not add non-emergency and non-de minimis items to […]

Reminder: Applications for Stream and Watershed Enhancement Grants Due 11/30 

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) has a new Stream & Watershed Enhancement Grant program aimed at environmental and water resources projects that improve, restore, or protect the Susquehanna River Basin’s waterways. Townships are eligible to apply through November 30, 2023.      Funds may be […]

Promote Crash Responder Safety Week

Next week, November 13 –17, 2023, is Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW) This initiative, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), communicates the simple steps everyone can take to keep roadway responders and the public safe around traffic incidents. […]

Municipal Elections Tomorrow 

The year-long campaign to preserve local democracy comes to a close tomorrow.  In what many in the media call an “off-year” election, tomorrow’s elections are truly more impactful on the day to day lives of your friends, families and neighbors. Encourage […]

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