Census 2023 Population Estimates Released for Pennsylvania’s Municipalities
The U.S. Census Bureau released 2023 estimates of the total population at the municipal level. Population estimates are calculated using administrative records to estimate total population as of July 1, 2023. The Pennsylvania State Data Center published a brief and an interactive map with the new data. To view the Data Center’s brief, visit: https://pasdc.hbg.psu.edu/Data/Research-Briefs. To view the interactive map, click here.
You are encouraged to review the actual number, in addition to the percentage increase, when comparing your data. If a 2.5% increase equates to 3 people, is it really a significant shift? 206 municipalities saw their population increase by more than 2% and 74 of these saw their population increase by more than 5%. 670 municipalities saw their population decrease by more than 2% with 19 of these seeing their population decrease by more than 5%. The remaining 1,696 municipalities saw a 2% or less change in their population. If your township’s estimated change in population does not make sense, please let us know by emailing Holly Fishel at hfishel@psats.org.