CFA Accepting Grant Applications for Multimodal Transportation Fund

CFA Accepting Grant Applications for Multimodal Transportation Fund

The Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) is accepting grant applications for its Multimodal Transportation FundTownships are eligible to apply until July 31 through DCED’s online single application for assistance. Please note this opportunity is separate from PennDOT’s Multimodal Program. Townships may request a full waiver of the funding match for this DCED grant opportunity.   

The CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable transportation system is available to commonwealth residents. Eligible activities include projects that coordinate local land use with transportation assets to enhance existing communities; the development, rehabilitation, and enhancement of transportation assets; streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, and pedestrian safety projects; and connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development.     

For more information, including frequently asked questions and an application checklist, visit DCED’s grants page.   

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