Townships that receive impact fee revenues will be interested to note that the commonwealth’s Independent Fiscal Office has released its impact fee estimates for the 2022 revenues, which will be distributed in mid-2023. The IFO estimates show that the average…
DCED Annual Filing Notice Mailed
The state Department of Community and Economic Development mailed its Annual Notice to File to all municipalities last week, in addition to an email notice. Township officials should look for this notice, which contains important information about upcoming required filings….
Statewide Invasive Species Impacts Survey
The Pennsylvania Governor’s Invasive Species Council is conducting the first statewide Invasive Species Impacts Survey. The survey is open through November 13 and takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The council is looking for general experiences — no formal…
PSATS Urges Governor to Sign Fire/EMS Bills
PSATS has sent letters to Governor Tom Wolf urging him to sign into law a couple bills that will assist municipalities in providing more stable fire and EMS services. The first bill allows for jr. firefighters, while the second provides…
Digital Edition Now Available! Winter Weather Best Practices to Keep Roads and Residents Safe
Roadway snow and ice removal has always been a key responsibility of township leadership. Ensuring that your winter maintenance team understands and can use the latest snow removal equipment, materials, and procedures can help make roads safer and winter operations…
RACP Grant Awards Released
The Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program has released the project awards for the 2022 round. Several townships received funding in this grant round. The RACP is a grant program administered by the Office of the Budget for the acquisition and construction…
Reminder: $310 Million in New Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Grant Funding Available
Act 54 of 2022 appropriated $205.4 million of commonwealth American Rescue Plan Act funds to the H2O PA – Water Supply, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Projects Program and $105.6 million to the Pa. Small Water and Sewer Program. Applications…
Submit Your Entries for PSATS’ Annual Citizen Communication Contest!
Attention, township officials and staff! Enter your outstanding printed or electronic newsletter, brochures or other publications, website, social media, or audiovisual communication efforts in PSATS’ 2023 Citizen Communication Contest. The deadline for entries is December 1. Any member township that…
Commonwealth Court Decision Enjoins Enforcement of 2021 UCC Accessibility Updates
This week, the Commonwealth Court issued an opinion in Pennsylvania Builders Association v. Department of Labor and Industry, which permanently enjoined enforcement of the 2021 accessibility updates to the Uniform Construction Code. As such, the state Department of Labor and…
Reminder: Virtual Grant Workshop Slated for Recreation, Conservation Projects
Mark your calendars! The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will hold a free, virtual workshop on November 3 from 9 a.m. to noon that is designed to help applicants develop project ideas to prepare a grant application for the…