To allow more township officials to attend our PSATS 2022 Stormwater Conference, we have moved our Stormwater Conference to an on-line, virtual class which also gives attendees the opportunity to attend both the “Policy” and the “Technical” track presentations. If…
Reminder: Deadline Approaching for New Grant Round for Recycling Program Development
The state Department of Environmental Protection is accepting applications for a new grant round to support the development of municipal recycling programs under section 902 of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act of 1988 (Act 101). Applications must be…
PA Township Farm to Provide 2022 White House Christmas Tree
A West Brunswick Township, Schuylkill County farm has been selected to provide the White House Christmas tree for 2022. Click here for more details.
DEP Awards $3 million to Restore Watersheds, Reduce Water Pollution
The state Department of Environmental Protection awarded $3 million in grant funding to local governments and organizations to restore local watersheds. The Section 319 grants target nonpoint source pollution that enters waterways from widespread sources, such as agricultural activities, stormwater…
Looking for Township Wage and Benefit Information?
Wondering how your employee’s wages compare to those townships most like yours? Curious about what types of employee benefits similar population-sized townships provide? All of this and more is available to you as a member service in 2022 PSATS Salary Survey Plus! …
Reminder: Act 57 Requires Townships to Adopt Tax Resolution
Act 57 of 2022 requires all municipalities that levy real estate taxes to adopt a resolution or ordinance directing their tax collector to implement its provisions. Townships have from today, the law’s effective date, until January 9, 2023, to adopt…
PFBC Accepting Municipal Applications for Boating Facility Grant Program
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is offering Boating Facility Grants to help communities capitalize on the surge in new boating activity. Townships and other municipalities may apply for these grants, as well as certain nonprofits, by December 30. The program…
Reminder: Act 13 Unconventional Gas Well Grant Applications Due October 21
The 2022 Act 13 Unconventional Gas Well Fund (UGWF) grant deadline is October 21. Fire companies, rescue companies and emergency medical services throughout the 40 counties in which unconventional gas wells are located, or counties that directly border those counties,…
Park and Recreation Workshop Slated
Join the Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS) for this interactive and informative workshop for municipal managers, boards, local officials, and volunteers who are seeking help with park and recreation planning and programming, and maintenance. The workshop will feature an…
National Crime Statistics Released by FBI…Feel Safer?
Yesterday, the FBI released national crime data. Despite national headlines about crime and violence setting records, that report suggests crime rates are down. The only problem is that reporting by state and local law enforcement agencies was at its lowest level in…