In addition to developing your Active Transportation Plan (ATP), your community will also need to review the ordinances and policies that will support active transportation goals. This could include roadway design standards in your SALDO, sidewalk design and maintenance ordinances,…
PSATS wants YOU to be a part of the Association’s 2023 calendar!
PSATS’ annual calendars have been so popular that we’re doing it again! Show off your township by sending us photos to illustrate the calendar pages. WHAT: PSATS 2023 Calendar THEME: Township parks and recreation PHOTO SUGGESTIONS:It’s summer camp and program season so it’s the…
Traffic Signal Modernization Grant Program Opens Tomorrow
The new 2022-2023 state budget includes an additional $5 million for grants to municipalities to install and maintain traffic signal technologies at traffic control signals that will be connected to a central location at the state Department of Transportation using…
Reminder: Young Ambassadors Wanted to Build Community Stewards, Civic Leaders
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is accepting applications for its Young Ambassadors of Pennsylvania (YAP) Program until September 15. YAP seeks to build community stewards and civic leaders by inspiring, engaging, and empowering young Pennsylvanians to keep their communities clean and beautiful and become ambassadors in…
Reminder: Report Broadband Connectivity Issues to FCC ASAP 
With the latest influx of funding, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is collecting broadband information from consumers to create updated maps that display fixed and mobile broadband availability, as well as lack of access. Township officials and their residents are…
Have a Cybersecurity Concern or Story to Share? 
ATTENTION, MEMBERS! We want to hear from you about recent cybersecurity issues within your township for an upcoming article in the Pa. Township News. Please consider any of the following questions and email your responses to by Friday, September 2,…
Federal Broadband Money Available
The Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program provides $1 billion in funding to expand middle-mile infrastructure, referring to the mid-section of internet infrastructure that carries large amounts of data at high speeds over long distances. This program will increase the…
Reminder: Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Opportunity
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) established the new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary program with $5 billion in appropriated funds over the next five years. In fiscal year 2022 (FY22), up to $1 billion is available. The…
DEP Accepting Applications for Coastal Zone Grant Program
The state Department of Environmental Protection invites interested townships, regional planning agencies, and conservation districts to apply for a federal fiscal year 2023 Coastal Zone Grant. Funding is for projects located within the Delaware Estuary Coastal Zone or the Lake…
Find Your Money! Townships Owed Unclaimed Property 
Each year, the State Treasury Department receives millions of dollars in unclaimed property. Common types of unclaimed property are savings or checking accounts, stocks, dividends, checks that have not been cashed such as payroll, certificates of deposit, unclaimed insurance benefits,…