PSATS staff will host a Town Hall on Filing the ARPA Project and Expenditure Report on Tuesday, April 12, at 2 p.m. and again on Wednesday, April 13, at 10 a.m. During these virtual sessions, PSATS staff will demonstrate the…
Federal Flood Mitigation Funding Available
Pennsylvania will receive $5 million through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support mitigation against future damage from natural disaster. Properties covered by a National Flood Insurance Program policy that have sustained repetitive losses due to flooding are eligible for the…
PUC Natural Gas Impact Fee Report Due April 15
Townships that received natural gas impact fees from Act 13 of 2012 in 2021 are required to report to the Public Utility Commission on the use of these funds. The Unconventional Gas Well Fund Usage Report is due by April…
PSATS Schedules Town Hall on American Rescue Plan Form 
The U.S. Treasury Department is now accepting the Project and Expenditure Report for the American Rescue Plan program. The form is due from all townships, called non-entitlement units (NEUS), by April 30, 2022, even if your township did not spend any…
Congressional Earmarks Are Back! WAMS from Washington…… 
Sen. Bob Casey is now accepting competitive FY23 appropriations requests for congressional earmarks. Stakeholders across Pennsylvania may submit community projects and programmatic requests to be considered for the 2023 fiscal year. This is an opportunity to request funds for important…
ARP Project and Expenditure Report Now Available 
On Friday, the U.S. Treasury Department released the Project and Expenditure Report templates for the American Rescue Plan program. The Project and Expenditure Report is due from all Non-Entitlement Units (NEUS) by April 30, 2022, even if your township did not…
State Revenue Collection Now $3 Billion Over Estimates for Year-To-Date 
The Independent Fiscal Office and state Department of Revenue have released March 2022 revenue reports. State General Fund collections year-to-date exceed estimates by more than $3 billion or 9.8%. The overage was primarily due to stronger-than-anticipated collections for the sales and…
REMINDER: 2022 Membership Card
PSATS will again be producing the 2022 membership cards for supervisors, secretaries and managers in townships that have renewed their annual dues. If you would like your membership card to also double as a photo ID card, this can happen…
DUNS Numbers Are No More as of Monday, April 4
Beginning Monday, April 4, 2022, the federal government will transition to the Universal Entity Identifier (UEI) number for all entities doing business with it and will no longer use the DUNS number issued by DUN and Bradstreet to uniquely identify…
All townships with active accounts do not need to take any action.
Your UEI number has been assigned and is viewable in your account and is currently located below the DUNS number on your entity registration record. It is recommended that township officials ensure that your township’s DUNS number is available…