WalkWorks is accepting grant applications from municipalities to assist with the development of Active Transportation Plans, Complete Streets policies and/or Vision Zero policies. These plans and policies establish activity-friendly routes that connect people to everyday destinations and opportunities for physical activity. Active transportation includes walking, wheeling or…
Happy Liquid Fuels Day!
Townships that timely filed for their LF funds will receive an electronic deposit today or their check will be mailed. PSATS will participate in a PennDOT press conference later today stressing the need for this vital funding to local government’s…
Other March 1 Moments
Today is also Shrove Tuesday, aka Fat Tuesday, aka Fastnacht Day, when bakeries, grocery stores and churches sell the deep-fried doughnuts in a pre-Lenten tradition. PSATS Resolutions Committee also meets today to prepare for our upcoming April Conference. Additionally, PSATS…
Township Officials Have Opportunity to Tell PennDOT What Electric Vehicle Data to Post
Township officials may take a short survey toprovide input to the state Department of Transportation about what electric vehicle (EV) technology information is provided on the department’s website. PennDOT is designing its EV website to update content and make more…
Treasury Updates ARP Compliance and Reporting Guidance
Late yesterday, the U.S. Treasury Department released an updated Compliance and Reporting Guidance for the American Rescue Plan funds. PSATS staff will review to determine any critical information. To view the updated guidance, click here.
ARP Cyber-fraud Expands to Fake Phone Calls 
PSATS continues to receive reports about suspicious emails claiming to be SAM.gov registration renewals. Keep in mind that fake sites will claim that users need to pay a fee to renew their information. This is not true! We are now…
DEP Accepting Comments on Proposed PFAS Drinking Water Regulation 
The state Department of Environmental Protection is collecting comments until April 27 on a proposed rule that would set maximum contaminant levels in drinking water for perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid. Comments may be submitted through the Environmental Quality…
Broadband Funding Awarded to Southern Alleghenies 
Twenty million dollars in broadband funding has been awarded to the Southern Alleghenies region. The Rural Broadband Infrastructure Expansion will deploy last-mile fixed wireless service to Bedford, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, and Mifflin counties. This funding is through the Rural…
CDC Revises Mask Guidance 
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has revised its mask recommendations for the prevention of COVID-19. Mask recommendations are now based on community-level spread, which is determined by hospital beds used, hospital admissions, and the number of new COVID-19…
Local Government Cyber Warning! 
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the FBI are warning organizations and local governments to beware of a possible rise in state-sponsored cyberattacks. Extra caution should be used over coming days and weeks for cyber threats to…