PSATS is planning a new way to celebrate townships and their presence at the 2023 Educational Conference and Exhibit Show with a new event: The Parade of Flags. More information will follow soon, but to register for this event which…
Homeowner Assistance Program Now Open
Homeowners struggling with mortgage payments or other housing expenses due to COVID-19 pandemic-related financial hardships may apply for relief if their household income is at or below 150% of the area median income. The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency has $350…
Shapiro Calls for Police and First Responder Funding
Atty. Gen. Josh Shapiro has asked the legislature to take action to help alleviate staffing shortages in police and emergency services and help communities provide public safety services. Shapiro’s plan includes: Expansion of Act 89 funding for the Municipal Police…
Wolf Proposes $1.7 Billion Plan to Spend State’s ARP Funds
A week before Gov. Tom Wolf is scheduled to deliver his budget address, he has announced his proposal to spend the state’s American Rescue Plan funds. The plan was met with mixed reviews. He asks the legislature to fund the…
Happy Groundhog Day!
There is no shortage of weather guessers and this morning another rodent entered the fray for his annual appearance. Punxatawney Phil saw his shadow and projected 6 more weeks of winter and bad news for township winter maintenance budgets.
Updated PSATS American Rescue Plan Fact Sheet Now Available
As a member service, PSATS has updated its American Rescue Plan Fact Sheet to incorporate the latest guidance under the U.S. Treasury’s Final Rule. It includes the new option to take a standard allowance of up to $10 million for…
DCED Accepting Applications for Act 13 Grants
The state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) is now accepting applications for Act 13 programs until May 31, 2022. There are several specific grant programs funded from impact fees from natural gas wells under Act 13 of 2012: …
State Revenues Exceed $2 Billion Over Estimate
The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) and state Department of Revenue have released January 2022 revenue reports. State General Fund collections totaled $3.6 billion in January and were 14% higher than estimates. The overage was primarily due to stronger-than-anticipated collections for the sales and…
White House Releases Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook
The White House released the first edition of its Bipartisan Infrastructure Law guidebook to help state and local governments learn more about the programs available under the new law. The guidebook contains information on more than 375 infrastructure programs. Click…
Pennsylvania Receives Federal Funds to Plug Orphaned and Abandoned Wells
Pennsylvania has received $25 million of its $104 million allocation from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to plug orphaned and abandoned wells in the state. Pennsylvania is set to receive the second largest allocation of funding, after Texas. It costs about…