There are only three weeks left to register for PSATS’ Centennial Celebration Dinner and Annual Business Meeting! Join us for either or both events, which will be held at the Hershey Lodge. The Business Meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 15, and the Centennial…
CDC Provides Guidance on COVID-19 Quarantine
When an employee tests positive for COVID-19, it can be complicated to determine how long they need to isolate and when they may return to work. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Guidance on Quarantine & Isolation can be…
Commonwealth Prepared to Start Booster Shots When Authorized
The state Department of Health announced an order for vaccine providers to be prepared to offer booster shots of COVID-19 vaccines when approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The order requires vaccine providers to provide both online…
PSATS Provides American Rescue Plan Resources, Revenue Loss Calculator
Townships looking for the latest on the American Rescue Plan (ARP) can find it on PSATS’ new American Rescue Plan webpage, accessible at in the red bar. Township officials can find the latest guidance, links to important U.S. Treasury…
PennDOT Outlines Next Steps in Major Bridge P3 Initiative
The state Department of Transportation has announced a timeline for moving forward with its Major Bridge P3 Initiative as the public involvement and environmental review processes continue on candidate bridges. PennDOT is inviting three teams to submit competing proposals to…
PennDOT Accepting Comments on Long-Range Freight Plans
The state Department of Transportation is now accepting comments on its draft 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan and draft Freight Movement Plan. Comments are being accepted until October 19. Click here to view the plans. Comment forms are available here.
Reminder: National Award Honors Small-Town Civic Volunteers
Townships depend on civic volunteers, especially firefighters and emergency medical services personnel, and on residents to serve on volunteer boards, commissions, and committees. If your township has a population under 25,000, you can nominate outstanding civic volunteers through the national…
Census Releases Additional Files; October Township News to Highlight Results
The U.S. Census Bureau has released additional results for the 2020 Census in easier-to-use formats. This is the same data released in August. To view the newly released data, and for guidance on how to access it, click here. If…
Pension Aid Amounts for 2021 Released
The Office of Auditor General has released the 2021 pension state aid unit values. The adjusted unit value for 2021 is $4,657.4852, and the revised unit value is $4,797.2826. State aid will be transferred via ACH payment to municipalities on…
PA Unemployment Rate at 6.4% in August
The state Department of Labor and Industry has announced that Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate for August was 6.4%, down from 6.5% in July, while the national unemployment rate is 5.2%. Pennsylvania’s civilian labor force – the estimated number of residents working or looking for work – decreased by 7,000 in August,…