Townships and their residents are invited to participate in Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Pick Up Pennsylvania from March 1 through May 31. During this initiative, thousands of Pennsylvanians will participate in litter and illegal dump cleanups, tree and flower plantings, recycling…
Highmark Offers Grants for EMS Agencies
Highmark is funding a $10 million grant program for Pennsylvania licensed emergency medical service agencies. The Pennsylvania EMS Provider Foundations is administering the grant funds, which must be used for equipment, including hardware and software, used to provide EMS services…
PennDOT Extends Expiration Dates for CDL Licenses
The state Department of Transportation has extended expiration dates for commercial driver’s licenses and commercial learner’s permits through March 31, 2021. This applies to CDL licenses and learner’s permits that were scheduled to expire from March 16, 2020, through March 31, 2021. Drivers with…
Reminder: Federal SAFER Fire Grant Applications Due March 12
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is accepting applications for Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grants until March 12. About 300 grants are available for a total funding of $355 million. Career, volunteer, and hybrid departments are eligible…
LTAP Highlights Pub 213 Changes that Affect Municipalities
The March 2021 version of Publication 213, Temporary Traffic Control Guidelines, contains a variety of updates and enhancements to information about temporary work zones. Many of the updates clarify previous information in the publication and were not changes per se…
Commonwealth Preserves Farmland
The state Department of Agriculture has announced the preservation of 2,638 acres on 30 farms in 16 counties through the state’s Farmland Preservation Program, which protects farms from future residential, commercial, or industrial development. To learn more about the farms…
PennDOT Announces P3 Bridge Tolling Candidates
The state Department of Transportation has announced the bridges that are under consideration for its PennDOT Pathways Major Bridge Public-Private Partnership (P3) Initiative, which would fund the reconstruction or replacement of the identified bridges through tolling. Here are the candidates,…
Reminder: Deadline Approaching for USDA Loan and Grant Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is accepting applications until the end of February for its Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program. Townships with populations of 20,000 or less are eligible for the program. Funds may be used to purchase…
Unemployment Fraud Is Back Again – Victims Beware
The state Department of Labor & Industry warned Pennsylvanians who receive a 1099-G tax form for unemployment benefits that they did not apply for are likely the victim of fraud and should take steps to report the fraud and protect…
Federal Agencies Collaborate to Extend Homeowner Foreclosure Protections
Several federal agencies are, by policy, extending the foreclosure moratorium for homeowners through June 30, 2021. In addition, the mortgage payment forbearance enrollment window will also be extended until June 30, 2021, for borrowers who wish to request forbearance. Finally,…