Correction: New Liquor Code Act Removes License Restrictions for Amplified Music 

Correction: New Liquor Code Act Removes License Restrictions for Amplified Music 

Note: this article corrects and clarifies the summary of Act 67 of 2022 in the July 12 edition of the Morning News. 

Act 67 of 2022 (HB 1615) amends the state Liquor Code to remove license restrictions and allow any license holder in all counties except Pittsburgh and Philadelphia to use amplified sound as long as it does not exceed 75 decibels beyond the property line. Licensees may amplify sound from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 10 am to midnight Friday and Saturday. Limited wineries were previously given this flexibility.  

Act 67 removes restrictions on licensees and does not appear to affect a municipality’s ability to regulate amplified sound through zoning or other local ordinances. Language in Section 493.1 of the Liquor Code preserves the rights of municipalities to regulate zoning and enforce any other local ordinances dealing with health and welfare issues is unchanged by Act 67. The new act took effect July 11. 

The Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement of the Pennsylvania State Police is charged with enforcing this provision. The act reduces from six to three the number of adjudicated citations for noise violations that a licensee may have in a two-year timeframe before that license may not be renewed based solely on noise violations.

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