DCED Announces Grant Awards for Planning, Emergency Services

DCED Announces Grant Awards for Planning, Emergency Services

The state Department of Community and Economic Development announced the award of over $1.2 million in grants through the Municipal Assistance Program to support municipalities with the development of planning efforts. In addition, Indiana Township, Allegheny County, received a grant to renovate an unfinished portion of the municipal building for an accessible emergency health assistance facility to accommodate EMS crews and provide underserved areas of the township with expedited service.  

Planning grant awardees include Springfield Township, Bucks County, which will hire a consultant to complete four village studies and one corridor study. Chestnuthill, Eldred, Jackson, Polk, and Ross townships will update their multimunicipal comprehensive plan and align land use policies with current growth patterns. East Union and North Union townships in Schuylkill County will create a joint comprehensive plan to outline opportunities for cooperation. Robinson Township and Midway Borough in Washington County will create a joint comprehensive plan to address major changes in the region, and Pine Township, Allegheny County, will develop a vision for the next 10 years and an updated comprehensive plan. 

“PSATS applauds Gov. Shapiro and the state legislature for their bipartisan commitment to funding the Municipal Assistance Program,” PSATS Executive Director David Sanko says. “These awards will benefit numerous townships, enabling them to update or create multi-municipal comprehensive plans, conduct traffic impact studies, and perform regional police studies, among other vital projects. These awards will significantly enhance the quality of life and governance in our communities.” 

Click here for the press release. Click here to learn more about MAP. Click here for the full list of awardees. 

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