DCNR Releases State Recreation Plan, Accepting Public Input
The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has released a draft of the 2025-2029 Pennsylvania Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) and is accepting public comment on the plan through March 3. The SCORP Plan, titled Recreation for All, focuses on five priority areas and will guide recreation policies, programs, and investments while ensuring that Pennsylvania remains eligible for federal funding from the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
The plan’s funding priorities will be used to rank grant submissions for federal funds and include rehabilitation of existing parks and trails and new parks and trails that improve equity in access; rehabilitation of existing water access and infrastructure in parks; trail projects that would close Pennsylvania’s Priority Trail Gaps; and wetland and community open space conservation.
To read the full report, click here. To submit comments to the brief comment form, click here. To learn more about the plan and the SCORP process, click here.