DEP Highlights National Radon Action Month, Free Test Kits Available
DEP Highlights National Radon Action Month, Free Test Kits Available
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January is National Radon Action Month. Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that occurs naturally through the breakdown of uranium in soil and rocks. It can seep into homes through cracks in basements and foundations, then build up inside to concentrations exceeding the recommended level. Radon can cause lung cancer and is prevalent in Pennsylvania, with 40% of homes exceeding EPA action levels. The only way homeowners can know if they have a radon problem is to test their home, and the best time to test is now when homes are closed up and radon is most likely to be trapped. Free radon test kits are available throughout the commonwealth from the American Lung Association, while supplies last, funded through a grant from DEP and EPA. To learn about the free test kits, click here. To learn more about radon, click here.
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