Don’t Let Harrisburg Decide Housing In Your Community

Don’t Let Harrisburg Decide Housing In Your Community

The State House May Take Up Statewide Zoning Mandates as early as next week.

Contact your state representative before it’s too late to oppose the statewide zoning mandates, which allow Harrisburg to change the characteristics of your communities!

A special interest coalition made up of building developers, statewide business groups, urban-living advocates, and more, are pushing the legislature to create new laws stripping local communities of their own land use decisions.

The purpose of these so-called “Affordable Housing” bills is made crystal clear in comments made by Rep. Josh Siegel, the author of the House bills:

“… in the instance of housing, municipalities have had decades to do the right thing. They have refused to, and they are directly contributing to the housing crisis that we have now, and we are in danger of becoming the next California or Connecticut where we are so cost-prohibitive that residents cannot find a home to live in and they flee the state for other opportunities.”

And he provides his view of the people of Pennsylvania:

“… People who live in walkable, mixed-use, dense communities are by and large healthier, happier, more productive. They earn more money and frankly, they live more fulfilling lives.”

You can watch Siegel’s comments to the committee on YouTube:

Clip 1: “Municipalities Are Directly Contributing to the Housing Crisis” 

Clip 2: “Zoning Is Not How To Build a Community” 

You can also view the entire hearing here

Please contact your state representative today to oppose HB 1976 and HB 2045 that would require duplex, triplex, quadplex and other multi-family housing almost anywhere.

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