Don’t Let U.S. Treasury Take Your ARPA Dollars!
It’s the final countdown before the 2025 Project & Expenditure Report for the American Rescue Plan Act opens! Every township must complete the 2025 report. In addition, there are still several townships that have not yet completed their 2024 report (also referred to as SLFRF funds by Treasury). Treasury has made it clear that townships who are non-compliant by the end of March are at risk of having award funds placed into collections and clawed back (with interest!) so it is imperative that townships make sure they are up to date and ready for the 2025 report.
If you are a newer administrator for your township, or if you cannot remember filing a report last April, verify that you completed the 2024 P&E report by logging into Treasury’s reporting site at with your credentials. You should see a green “Submitted” status next to all of your reports in the portal. If you see a report currently in red “Draft” status, you must complete that report before March 27, 2025, to get back into compliance.
PSATS has developed walkthrough materials to guide you through the quickest and easiest path to file. If you have any questions about the report or cannot access the portal, please contact PSATS at 717-763-0930 and dial ext. 138 for Holly Fishel or ext. 126 for Katie Lizza or email and for assistance.
Holly and Katie will host walkthrough webinars to guide townships through the 2025 Project and Expenditure report on Monday, April 7, from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. and Tuesday, April 8, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Please sign up for these sessions to learn the easiest way to complete the report, avoid common mistakes, and learn tips and tricks.
As a reminder, townships are required to maintain an active registration to comply with SLFRF requirements and remain eligible for any other federal funding (including FEMA disaster funds). PSATS has also developed a walkthrough to help you renew your registration. Head to to verify your renewal date, and remember, is a 100% free federal service! Please be wary of any emails or phone calls claiming to be from but that come from a .com or other email address. Valid emails will come from a .gov or .mil federal address.