The December 2023 edition of the Township News includes information to help townships establish an online presence with an effective website, as well as prepare for the annual organization meeting and the annual audit. PSATS is also gearing up for its 2024 Annual Conference, and you can get a sneak peek in the conference preview article in this issue. The December issue also includes a story on how townships can minimize risk by practicing year-round organization and attention to detail. The quarterly TEMA column explains how township emergency management personnel can prepare for what is over the horizon by taking advantage of continuing education through PSATS.
Subscribers to the News can access the APEX Award-winning digital edition (and its exclusive video content) by logging into and clicking on “Digital Publications” under “My PSATS.” Not yet a subscriber? Check out this month’s free article and learn how to subscribe to the News. Learn PSATS educational events will be listed as follows: Mondays – All webinars; Tuesdays – Administrative; Wednesdays – Planning/Zoning; Thursdays – Public Works; Fridays – Public Safety.
When elected or appointed, township officials automatically become PSATS members through their township's membership. If you're an elected or appointed township official in Pennsylvania and are unsure about your entity’s membership status with PSATS, your board secretary or manager can provide the necessary details.
PSATS offers its members exclusive access to training, resources, and events via the member portal at If you have any questions about or your membership that aren't covered on our FAQ page, please submit a message, and we'll be happy to follow up with you.