Don’t Miss the March 2025 Digital Township News!

Don’t Miss the March 2025 Digital Township News!

The March 2025 digital edition of the Township News is available now! In this issue’s cover story, read about how zoning decisions should be left in the hands of local leaders, who know best what their community wants and needs. Additional articles in the edition:• explain how trails provide vital connections and economic benefits to communities;• look at how comprehensive plans help townships chart their course into the future;• explore how accommodating active transportation attracts residents and economic development;• dive into what the governor’s budget proposal holds for townships;• reveal the conference workshops eligible for PMGA points; and• explain why unified coordination and command are necessary for successful emergency response.
The issue also includes all the regular columns you look for each month, plus the latest conference details. Subscribers to the News can access the APEX Award-winning digital edition (and its exclusive video content) by logging into Not yet a subscriber? Check out this month’s free article and learn how to subscribe to the News.

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