Don’t Miss the Township News Conference Edition!

Don’t Miss the Township News Conference Edition!

 Get to know the new PSATS president, Jay Wilkes; hear from the conference speakers (including in a video exclusive to the digital edition); celebrate the winners of the PSATS Excellence Awards; find out how state legislators answered members’ questions; and explore photos, photos, and more photos of the workshops, indoor and outdoor exhibits, receptions, and more.
The issue also includes a report on PSATS members who received Governor’s Awards for Local Government Excellence, an article on getting public input when drafting a
solar amendment to a zoning ordinance, and the quarterly TEMA column, plus the regular columns you count on each month. Subscribers to the News can access the APEX Award-winning digital edition (and its exclusive video content) by logging into and clicking on “Digital Publications” under “My PSATS.” Not yet a subscriber? Check out this month’s free article and learn how to subscribe to the News.

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