e-TIDES Transitioning to myPATH  

e-TIDES Transitioning to myPATH  

The state Department of Revenue is retiring its e-TIDES system at the end of November 2022 and moving their services to the new online portal: myPATH. Of note, this means that the following filings will be moved to this new website:  

  • REV-1667 Annual Withholding Reconciliation Statement  
  • PA-501R Employer Deposit Statement of Withholding Tax  
  • RCT-900 Public Utility Realty Report   

Townships will be required to sign up for a myPATH profile on or after November 30. The Department of Revenue is recommending all current e-TIDES users wait until late November to create a myPATH profile for taxes being transitioned in the fifth phase of the modernization project. Users will enter their e-TIDES user ID and password to migrate access. The Department has created an e-TIDES Retirement Timeline to communicate the steps of this transition and has developed a myPATH User Guide to assist users with their new website.  

For helpwith myPATH, please contact the Department of Revenue at (717) 425-2495, ext. PATH1 (72841), or by email at myPATH@pa.gov.  

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