Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Formula Grants

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Formula Grants

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Formula Grant Program offers funding for larger county & city local governments to reduce carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency, and reduce energy use. Local governments may apply for a voucher for technical assistance, an equipment rebate, or a grant to fund one or more of 15 eligible project types. The DOE is providing a series of blueprints that help guide eligible entities through high-impact activities in energy planning, energy efficiency, renewables, transportation, sustainable financing, and workforce development. Local governments are encouraged but not required to use these blueprints and can expect expedited application review if they do. Check here to see if your city or county is eligible (PA on page 38-39).

*Pre-Application Submission (required) Deadline: July 31; Full Application Deadline: January 31, 2024*

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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