Executive Board
PSATS is governed by an elected Executive Board composed of five officers and seven Executive Committee members and the immediate past president who serves as an ex-office member.

The board is responsible for overseeing the affairs of the Association. Members meet frequently throughout the year to conduct business and plan new projects to benefit member townships. Elections are held each year during PSATS’ Annual Educational Conference.

PSATS President

Board Chairman
PSATS First Vice President
Executive Board Officers
President: John “Jay” Wilkes Jr., Jackson Township, Luzerne County
First Vice President: Steven D. Hess Sr., North Centre Township, Columbia County (Chairman)
Second Vice President: Charles O. Stowe, Allegheny Township, Butler County (Vice Chairman)
Secretary-Treasurer: Bob Heffelfinger, Richland Township, Cambria County
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer: Stephanie Shortall, New Britain Township, Bucks County
Executive Committee
Tom Jennings, Independence Township, Washington County, 2022-2025
Samuel F. Cressler, Southampton Township, Franklin County, 2023-2026
Corey J. Lucas, Dunnstable Township, Clinton County, 2023-2026
Jeffrey C. Shaffer, Smithfield Township, Huntingdon County, 2024-2026
Paul D. Nyman, Loyalsock Township, Lycoming County, 2024-2027
Theodore F. Poatsy Jr., Upper Salford Township, Montgomery County, 2024-2027
Immediate Past President
Andrew “A.J.” Boni, Perry Township, Fayette County
Board of Trustees Insurance Fund
Shirl Barnhart
Andrew J. Boni (AJ)
Jack Hines, Chair
Clyde “Champ” Holman
Marvin Meteer