FREE PSATS Cyber Security Webinar, Thursday, August 17 at 12 noon. 

FREE PSATS Cyber Security Webinar, Thursday, August 17 at 12 noon. 

Cyber-crime is the world’s fastest-growing criminal activity. 

  Cyber-attacks have shut down government agencies, multi-national companies and a gas pipeline serving nearly half the population along the east coast. According to experts, these attacks are growing, and governments and businesses need to make it a priority to guard — and insure themselves — against them. 

  It is unfortunate, but local governments are prime cyber-crime targets as they seek those who store sensitive data or heavily rely on their online systems – municipalities and other public entities fit the criteria. 

 Consider what happened to a western US municipality just last month; a local emergency was declared as a cyber-attack affected services from emergency dispatching to electronic payments to library check-out systems. Everything was restored, but not after creating havoc. 

  Last week, Allegheny County (Pittsburgh area) acknowledged their systems were victims of a May data breach, providing cybercriminals access to county files which included resident’s driver’s license, Social Security, and voter ID information. 

  As part of a staged rollout for a new municipal cyber protection program announced during the annual PSATS Education Conference, PSATS will be offering afree cyber-security webinar on Thursday, August 17

  The webinar will explore cyber security risks faced by townships, how to best mitigate those risks, what insurance the township can acquire to better protect it against those exposures, and what should be done when an incident occurs. 

  Whether it is a ransomware event or a disclosure of personal and financial information, a cyber incident can be traumatic for all concerned. Learn how to protect your municipality and register for the August 17 webinar. 

  For more information, or to sign up, click here.

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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