Having Issues with U.S. Treasury Portal for American Rescue Plan?

Having Issues with U.S. Treasury Portal for American Rescue Plan?

As we reported last week, township officials may access the new U.S. Treasury Portal for the American Rescue Plan through Login.gov, which will be used to file required reports for the American Rescue Plan funds. Note that you will use the same login information that you use to login to SAM.gov and the federal CDL Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse.

If you have technical issues with your account, please email covidreliefitsupport@treasury.gov. and copy PSATS Policy/Research Analyst Katie Lizza at klizza@psats.org. Please note that PSATS has heard of several instances where it appears that multiple townships were merged into a single account. If you believe you may have a similar issue, such as individuals not associated with your township listed in your account or an incorrect DUNS number, please call PSATS at 717-763-0930 or email klizza@psats.org.

To learn how to set up your account the first time, click here. To view the new user’s guide for NEUs, which describes how to set up accounts, assign reporting roles, and provide required documentation on the use of the funds, click here. The first report is due April 30, 2022. Please note that while you can now access your account, you cannot begin to file the annual report. Townships will be notified once this part of the site is open.

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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